Communicating Effectively When You’re Running on Empty.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Communicating Effectively When You’re Running on Empty.
Authors: Bernstein, Amy (AUTHOR), Gallo, Amy (AUTHOR)
Superior Title: Harvard Business Review. Spring2024 Special issue, p26-30. 5p.
People: WILKINS, Muriel
Abstract: Communicating clearly and persuasively sets you up to have impact and influence. But what if you’re running on empty? Expressing your ideas and giving direction when you’re sleep-deprived, burned out, grieving, or in perimenopausal brain fog can feel nearly impossible. So, what then? Leadership development coach Muriel Wilkins provides communication techniques that meet you where you’re at mentally and emotionally so that you can rise to the moment, even when you’re worried you can’t. A key suggestion is to focus on listening and being completely present so that you’re not simply reacting or filling time. Another strategy is to check in with yourself and others to be sure that everyone is really ready for the interaction. You might even discover that it can actually wait for a better time. But when you really need to have the conversation, Wilkins says it’s vital to know the outcome you’re driving toward—both the overall task goal and how you want everyone to feel at the end of the interaction. In the middle of the conversation, some tips include knowing your key message, staying concrete and succinct, asking questions to give yourself breathing room, and returning to the meeting’s purpose to keep it anchored—and keep yourself steady, no matter your frame of mind. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Business Source Premier
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