The Power of Pergamon.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Power of Pergamon.
Superior Title: Archaeology. Jan/Feb2024, Vol. 77 Issue 1, p48-55. 8p. 14 Color Photographs, 1 Map.
Subject Terms: *ANTIQUITIES, *ARCHAEOLOGICAL research, ATTALID dynasty, 282 B.C.-133 B.C.
Geographic Terms: PERGAMUM (Extinct city), TURKEY
Abstract: The article discusses the rise to power of the Attalid Dynasty of Pergamon, Turkey which ruled much of the region from 283 to 133 B.C. Topics include a description of the Attalids according to historian Noah Kaye, the use of innovative ways by the Attalids to exert their power such as new taxation methods to fund artistic projects, and an archaeological research on the connections forged by the Attalids between coastal Greek cities and the far corners of the Anatolian countryside.
Database: Academic Search Premier
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