A Monumental Imperial Biography.

Bibliographic Details
Title: A Monumental Imperial Biography.
Superior Title: Archaeology. Mar/Apr2022, Vol. 75 Issue 2, p48-53. 6p. 5 Color Photographs, 1 Black and White Photograph, 1 Map.
Subject Terms: *EMPERORS, *ROMANS, *TRUMPET players, *MUSICIANS, *UNITED States senators
Abstract: The article reports that ancient Roman general or emperor military career was awarded the right to parade through the streets of Rome to celebrate victories on the battlefield and flaunt the spoils of war in display known as a triumph. Topics include considered that during these grand spectacles, Romans watched as senators clad in brilliant white togas trimmed in purple made their way through crowded, noisy streets, followed by trumpeters and scores of other musicians.
Database: Academic Search Premier
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