Academic Journal

“稳定”的心理建构:乡村中老年 教师集体身份认同与流动趋向的 历史叙事.

Bibliographic Details
Title: “稳定”的心理建构:乡村中老年 教师集体身份认同与流动趋向的 历史叙事.
Alternate Title: The Psychological Construction of “Stability”: A Historical Narrative of the Collective Identity and Mobility Trend of Middle-aged and Elderly Teachers in Rural Areas.
Authors: 李彩虹1, 朱志勇2
Superior Title: Society: Chinese Journal of Sociology / Shehui. 2023, Vol. 43 Issue 5, p139-166. 28p.
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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