Academic Journal

Genome and secretome insights: unravelling the lignocellulolytic potential of Myceliophthora verrucosa for enhanced hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass

Bibliographic Details
Title: Genome and secretome insights: unravelling the lignocellulolytic potential of Myceliophthora verrucosa for enhanced hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
Authors: Sharma, Gaurav, Kaur, Baljit, Singh, Varinder, Raheja, Yashika, Falco, Marcos Di, Tsang, Adrian, Chadha, Bhupinder SinghAff1, IDs0020302403974w_cor7
Superior Title: Archives of Microbiology. 206(5)
Database: Springer Nature Journals
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