Modeling Multicellular Structures Using the Subcellular Element Model

Bibliographic Details
Title: Modeling Multicellular Structures Using the Subcellular Element Model
Authors: Newman, Timothy J.Aff9
Contributors: Alt, Wolfgang, editorAff1, Adler, Fred, editorAff2, Chaplain, Mark, editorAff3, Deutsch, Andreas, editorAff4, Dress, Andreas, editorAff5, Krakauer, David, editorAff6, Tranquillo, Robert T., editorAff7, Anderson, Alexander R. A., editorAff8, Chaplain, Mark A. J., editorAff8, Rejniak, Katarzyna A., editorAff8
Superior Title: Single-Cell-Based Models in Biology and Medicine. :221-239
Database: Springer Nature eBooks
Description not available.