Electronic Resource

Design and performance of hybrid constructed wetland systems for high-content wastewater treatment in the cold climate of Hokkaido, northern Japan

Bibliographic Details
Title: Design and performance of hybrid constructed wetland systems for high-content wastewater treatment in the cold climate of Hokkaido, northern Japan
Publisher Information: Iwa publishing 2014-10-30
Added Details: Kato, K.
Inoue, T.
Ietsugu, H.
Sasaki, H.
Harada, J.
Kitagawa, K.
Sharma, P. K.
Document Type: Electronic Resource
Abstract: The performance of six multistage hybrid constructed wetland systems was evaluated. The systems were designed to treat four kinds of high-content wastewater: dairy wastewater (three systems, average inflow content 2,400-5,000 mg.COD l(-1), 3-6 years of operation); pig farm wastewater, including liquid food washing wastewater (one system, 9,500 mg.COD l(-1), 3 years); potato starch processing wastewater (one system, 20,000-60,000 mg.COD l(-1), 3 years); and wastewater containing pig farm swine urine (one system, 6,600 mg.COD l(-1), 2.8 years) (COD chemical oxygen demand). The systems contained three or four vertical (V) flow beds with self-priming siphons and surface partitions and no or one horizontal (H) flow bed (three to five beds). In some V flow beds, treated effluents were recirculated (Vr) through the inlet to improve performance. Mean annual temperature was 5-8 degrees C at all locations. To overcome clogging due to the high load in a cold climate, we applied a safety bypass structure and floating cover material to the V flow beds. Calculated average oxygen transfer rates (OTRs) increased proportionally with the influent load, and the OTR value was Vr > V > H. The relations of load-OTR, COD-ammonium, and a Arrhenius temperature-dependent equation enable the basic design of a reed bed system.
Index Terms: cold climate, dairy wastewater, hybrid wetland system, oxygen transfer rate, potato starch processing wastewater, swine urine treatment, 510, article (author version)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2115/57283
Availability: Open access content. Open access content
©IWA Publishing 2013. The definitive peer-reviewed and edited version of this article is published in Water science and technology 68 (7)p. 1468-1476 2013 10.2166/wst.2013.364 and is available at www.iwapublishing.com.
Note: English
Other Numbers: YX@ oai:eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp:2115/57283
Water science and technology, 68(7): 1468-1476
Contributing Source: HOKKAIDO UNIV
From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
Accession Number: edsoai.on1227988862
Database: OAIster
Description not available.