Representations of Finite Groups

Bibliographic Details
Title: Representations of Finite Groups
Description: Representations of Finite Groups provides an account of the fundamentals of ordinary and modular representations. This book discusses the fundamental theory of complex representations of finite groups. Organized into five chapters, this book begins with an overview of the basic facts about rings and modules. This text then provides the theory of algebras, including theories of simple algebras, Frobenius algebras, crossed products, and Schur indices with representation-theoretic versions of them. Other chapters include a survey of the fundamental theory of modular representations, with emphasis on Brauer characters. This book discusses as well the module-theoretic representation theory due to Green and includes some topics such as Burry–Carlson's theorem and Scott modules. The final chapter deals with the fundamental results of Brauer on blocks and Fong's theory of covering, and includes some approaches to them. This book is a valuable resource for readers who are interested in the various approaches to the study of the representations of groups.
Authors: Hirosi Nagao, Yukio Tsushima
Resource Type: eBook.
Subjects: Finite groups, Representations of groups
Categories: MATHEMATICS / Algebra / Intermediate, MATHEMATICS / General
Database: eBook Index
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