Bibliographic Details
Title: 2009
Description: Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender presents in its 22nd edition approx. 70,000 academics working at German-speaking universities and other scientific and scholarly institutions. It provides the most important biographical information, addresses, details of research and fields of work, including bibliographical references, e.g. with a selection of the most important publications in periodicals, compilations and encyclopaedia. The appendix includes a necrology, a subject index, a calendar listing round numbered birthdays, and a list of addresses for all German-speaking universities and colleges of higher education. Key features: All entries are based on information provided by both scholars themselves and from thorough research. Unique compilation of reliable data
Authors: author unknown
Resource Type: eBook.
Categories: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Reference, BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Science & Technology, BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Social Scientists & Psychologists, REFERENCE / General, REFERENCE / Bibliographies & Indexes, SCIENCE / General
Database: eBook Index
Description not available.