III-V Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Bibliographic Details
Title: III-V Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Description: The main emphasis of this volume is on III-V semiconductor epitaxial and bulk crystal growth techniques. Chapters are also included on material characterization and ion implantation. In order to put these growth techniques into perspective a thorough review of the physics and technology of III-V devices is presented. This is the first book of its kind to discuss the theory of the various crystal growth techniques in relation to their advantages and limitations for use in III-V semiconductor devices.
Authors: R.J. Malik
Resource Type: eBook.
Subjects: Gallium arsenide semiconductors
Categories: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Solid State, SCIENCE / Physics / Optics & Light, SCIENCE / Physics / Quantum Theory, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / General, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Semiconductors, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Materials Science / General
Database: eBook Index
Description not available.