The Norman People: And Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America (Classic Reprint)

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Norman People: And Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America (Classic Reprint)
Description: Excerpt from The Norman People: And Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America (Classic Reprint)IT is the aim of the following pages to apply genealogy to the illustration of English ethnology. The former branch of knowledge has been supposed to lie exclusively within the domain of the antiquary; but a closer examination will, it is thought, show that the scientific observer, and the historian also, may find in it classes of facts which are not beneath their notice and investigation.
Authors: Unknown Author
Resource Type: eBook.
Categories: HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain / General
Database: eBook Index
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