Neural Cell Behavior and Fuzzy Logic : The Being of Neural Cells and Mathematics of Feeling

Bibliographic Details
Title: Neural Cell Behavior and Fuzzy Logic : The Being of Neural Cells and Mathematics of Feeling
Description: This book covers at an advanced level the most fundamental ideas, concepts and methods in the field of applications of fuzzy logic to the study of neural cell behavior. Motivation and awareness are examined from a physiological and biochemical perspective illustrating fuzzy mechanisms of complex systems.
Authors: Uziel Sandler, Lev Tsitolovsky
Resource Type: eBook.
Subjects: Neural networks (Computer science), Neurobiology, Fuzzy logic
Categories: MEDICAL / Neuroscience, MEDICAL / Neurology, SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Zoology / General, SCIENCE / Life Sciences / General
Database: eBook Index
Description not available.