Algebraic Spaces and Stacks

Bibliographic Details
Title: Algebraic Spaces and Stacks
Description: This book is an introduction to the theory of algebraic spaces and stacks intended for graduate students and researchers familiar with algebraic geometry at the level of a first-year graduate course. The first several chapters are devoted to background material including chapters on Grothendieck topologies, descent, and fibered categories. Following this, the theory of algebraic spaces and stacks is developed. The last three chapters discuss more advanced topics including the Keel-Mori theorem on the existence of coarse moduli spaces, gerbes and Brauer groups, and various moduli stacks of curves. Numerous exercises are included in each chapter ranging from routine verifications to more difficult problems, and a glossary of necessary category theory is included as an appendix. It is splendid to have a self-contained treatment of stacks, written by a leading practitioner. Finally we have a reference where one can find careful statements and proofs of many of the foundational facts in this important subject. Researchers and students at all levels will be grateful to Olsson for writing this book. —William Fulton, University of Michigan This is a carefully planned out book starting with foundations and ending with detailed proofs of key results in the theory of algebraic stacks. —Johan de Jong, Columbia University
Authors: Martin Olsson
Resource Type: eBook.
Subjects: Algebraic stacks, Algebraic spaces, Algebraic fields
Categories: MATHEMATICS / Geometry / General
Database: eBook Index
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