Academic Journal

ADA as main biochemical marker in patients with tuberculous effusion

Bibliographic Details
Title: ADA as main biochemical marker in patients with tuberculous effusion
Authors: Janković Jelena, Ilić Branislav, Đurđević Nataša, Jandrić Aleksandar
Superior Title: Journal of Medical Biochemistry, Vol 42, Iss 4, Pp 722-726 (2023)
Publisher Information: Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Belgrade, 2023.
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: LCC:Biochemistry
Subject Terms: adenosine deaminase, biomarkers, pleural effusion, tuberculosis, Biochemistry, QD415-436
Description: Tuberculous pleuritis (TP) is one of the most common extra-pulmonary tuberculosis form. Because of tuberculous pleurisy is hard to diagnose due to slow course of disease and lack of specificity in symptoms and diagnostic methods. In that reason, we need multidisciplinary approach and efficient biomarkers. Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) staining, cultures and pathophysiological biopsy finding from the majority of patients are positive only in less than 10%. Löwenstein culture results need time about 6-8 weeks what delays diagnosis. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is biomarker with high sensitivity and specificity (more than 90%) and considered as gold standard of biomarkers in the diagnosis of TP. It is very hard to distinguish malignant from TP with lymphocyte predomination, but in patient with malignant pleural effusion the level of ADA is decreased, opposite from TP. ADA in pleural punctate is a fast, simple, efficient and economical way for clarification the etiology of the pleural effusion as tuberculous pleurisy. Also, many studies have proved the role of ADA in the response to treatment for tuberculosis at follow up period.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1452-8258
DOI: 10.5937/jomb0-44018
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.fcb4f9260d3b4b2abdf271e39c2a50e2
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals
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