Academic Journal

Extracting entity-based information in cyber-physical systems

Bibliographic Details
Title: Extracting entity-based information in cyber-physical systems
Authors: Yuchen Yang, Lijie Li, Guisheng Yin
Superior Title: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol 13 (2017)
Publisher Information: Hindawi - SAGE Publishing, 2017.
Publication Year: 2017
Collection: LCC:Electronic computers. Computer science
Subject Terms: Electronic computers. Computer science, QA75.5-76.95
Description: This article proposes a framework P 3 E for evaluating entity extraction problem over cyber-physical system data. As known by us, this article is the first work focusing on this problem, which is an important step for identifying entities in cyber-physical system data. Directed by the initial entities, utilizing the relaxation and verification techniques, P 3 E provides a path expression–based solution for entity extraction problem, which has following characteristics. First, using path expressions, P 3 E provides a condensed presentation for entity locations whose size may get very large when scaling up the data size. Second, requiring only one entity example to indicate the interests, using relaxation technique, P 3 E can discover other similar entities automatically. Third, by adjusting the example given to P 3 E , users can specify their own interesting entities and control the entities discovered by P 3 E . Besides, utilizing the idea of sharing computations, by extending previous automaton techniques, an efficient implementation of P 3 E is provided. Experimental results are reported, which show that P 3 E can provide an effective and efficient solution to the entity extraction problem.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1550-1477
DOI: 10.1177/1550147717702653
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.9826ecfc3b046e9b65a6974d43e2bd5
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals
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