Academic Journal

Data Access Based on a Guide Map of the Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

Bibliographic Details
Title: Data Access Based on a Guide Map of the Underwater Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Zhengxian Wei, Min Song, Guisheng Yin, Houbing Song, Hongbin Wang, Xuefei Ma, Albert M. K. Cheng
Superior Title: Sensors, Vol 17, Iss 10, p 2374 (2017)
Publisher Information: MDPI AG, 2017.
Publication Year: 2017
Collection: LCC:Chemical technology
Subject Terms: underwater wireless sensor networks, data access, data guide map, metadata, center ring, Chemical technology, TP1-1185
Description: Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) represent an area of increasing research interest, as data storage, discovery, and query of UWSNs are always challenging issues. In this paper, a data access based on a guide map (DAGM) method is proposed for UWSNs. In DAGM, the metadata describes the abstracts of data content and the storage location. The center ring is composed of nodes according to the shortest average data query path in the network in order to store the metadata, and the data guide map organizes, diffuses and synchronizes the metadata in the center ring, providing the most time-saving and energy-efficient data query service for the user. For this method, firstly the data is stored in the UWSN. The storage node is determined, the data is transmitted from the sensor node (data generation source) to the storage node, and the metadata is generated for it. Then, the metadata is sent to the center ring node that is the nearest to the storage node and the data guide map organizes the metadata, diffusing and synchronizing it to the other center ring nodes. Finally, when there is query data in any user node, the data guide map will select a center ring node nearest to the user to process the query sentence, and based on the shortest transmission delay and lowest energy consumption, data transmission routing is generated according to the storage location abstract in the metadata. Hence, specific application data transmission from the storage node to the user is completed. The simulation results demonstrate that DAGM has advantages with respect to data access time and network energy consumption.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1424-8220
DOI: 10.3390/s17102374
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.54be35eb8b684959b5c1953efdc2c62b
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals
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