Towards a sustainable economy in a pandemic era

Bibliographic Details
Title: Towards a sustainable economy in a pandemic era
Authors: Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał, Weresa, Marzenna Anna, Tomeczek, Artur Franciszek, Napiórkowski, Tomasz Marcin, Dzienis, Anna Maria, Lewandowska, Małgorzata Stefania, Próchniak, Mariusz, Radło, Mariusz-Jan, Szarek-Piaskowska, Aleksandra, Nyga-Łukaszewska, Honorata, Kamińska, Katarzyna
Contributors: Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał, Weresa, Marzenna Anna, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Publisher Information: SGH Publishing House
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: Cyber Open Repository of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) / Cyfrowe Otwarte Repozytorium Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Subject Terms: international competitiveness, sustainable competitiveness, crisis, resilience, foreign trade, foreign direct investment, convergence, productivity, innovation
Description: Sustainable competitiveness is a relatively new concept, but rising in importance in face of external shocks that have impacted the economy in the last years, like COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine or the climate changes and related energy crisis. Considering this, resilience to crisis has become one of the key drivers of a strong competitive position. These new tendencies determine the research aim of the monograph, which is to identify the competitive position of the Polish economy, taking into account the foremost components of sustainable competitiveness. The specific objectives of the monograph are to: present the theoretical background of the issue of international competitiveness in a time of crisis, with a particular focus on the significance of sustainable competitiveness and the issue of resilience and vulnerability to crises; define Poland’s competitive position, in particular to assess the development of individual factors of competitiveness, such as land and water resources, investment, labour, innovation and technological development, and institutions; identify the international competitive position of Poland compared with other European Union member states, taking into account income competitiveness, foreign trade competitiveness, and sustainable competitiveness (including its environmental and social components). ; 1 ; 1-200 ; Poland: Competitiveness Report; 2083-229X
Document Type: book
File Description: application/pdf
Language: English
ISBN: 978-83-8030-567-0
Relation: Towards a sustainable economy in a pandemic era / eds. Kowalski A.M., Weresa M.A., Wrasaw : SGH Publishing House, 2022.;;;
DOI: 10.33119/978-83-8030-567-0.2022
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowe ;
Accession Number: edsbas.F591B9B4
Database: BASE
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