Academic Journal

Flexible microspectrometer for grape maturation monitoring in the vineyard

Bibliographic Details
Title: Flexible microspectrometer for grape maturation monitoring in the vineyard
Authors: Sophie Jenne, Alessio Tugnolo, Hugo M. Oliveira, and Hans Zappe
Contributors: S. Jenne, A. Tugnolo, H.M. Oliveira, A. Hans Zappe
Publisher Information: SPIE
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: The University of Milan: Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca (AIR)
Subject Terms: spectroscopy, miniaturized sensor, continuous monitoring, flexible circuit, agriculture, Settore AGR/09 - Meccanica Agraria
Description: Optical spectroscopy is a well-suited technique for the nondestructive and real-time maturation monitoring of fruits and vegetables. Although many commercial spectroscopy systems exist, including some for portable use in the field, a significant gap in agricultural monitoring is the ability to continuously measure the condition of fruits in the field over longer periods of time. To this end, we present here a fully integrated, flexible microspectrometer consisting of multiple light sources and multiple broadband photodiodes for the spectral evaluation of grape maturation in the field. To enable the microspectrometer design, a customized grape berry model generated from the optical properties, primarily light scattering, of grape berries was developed. The microspectrometer was fabricated using a scalable fabrication process based on a spin-coated, flexible polyimide substrate. Experiments were conducted both in a controlled laboratory environment as well as during the grape maturation period in the vineyard and these demonstrated that the spectral properties of grapes at different maturation stages can be accurately measured. Using suitable chemometric models, the amount of total soluble solids in °Br, which is the most important factor for the maturation estimation of grapes, was determined from the microspectrometer data.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
Relation: volume:4; issue:1; firstpage:1; lastpage:13; numberofpages:13; journal:JOURNAL OF OPTICAL MICROSYSTEMS;; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85189332407;
DOI: 10.1117/1.JOM.4.1.014004
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Accession Number: edsbas.E8A856E6
Database: BASE
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