Academic Journal

Specificity and effector functions of non-neutralizing gB- specific monoclonal antibodies isolated from healthy individuals with human cytomegalovirus infection

Bibliographic Details
Title: Specificity and effector functions of non-neutralizing gB- specific monoclonal antibodies isolated from healthy individuals with human cytomegalovirus infection
Authors: Goodwin, Matthew L., Webster, Helen S., Wang, Hsuan-Yuan, Jenks, Jennifer A., Nelson, Cody S., Tu, Joshua J., Mangold, Jesse F., Valencia, Sarah, Pollara, Justin, Edwards, Whitney, McLellan, Jason S., Wrapp, Daniel, Fu, Tong-Ming, Zhang, Ningyan, Freed, Daniel C, Wang, Dai, An, Zhiqiang, Permar, Sallie R.
Superior Title: Virology
Publication Year: 2020
Collection: PubMed Central (PMC)
Subject Terms: Article
Description: Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common congenital infection. A gB subunit vaccine (gB/MF59) is the most efficacious clinically tested to date, having achieved 50% protection against primary infection of HCMV-seronegative women. We previously identified that gB/MF59 vaccination primarily elicits non-neutralizing antibody responses, with variable binding to gB genotypes, and protection associated with binding to membrane-associated gB. We hypothesized that gB-specific non-neutralizing antibody binding breadth and function are dependent on epitope and genotype specificity, and ability to interact with membrane-associated gB. We mapped twenty-four gB-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from naturally HCMV-infected individuals for gB domain specificity, genotype preference, and ability to mediate phagocytosis or NK cell activation. gB-specific mAbs were primarily specific for Domain II and demonstrated variable binding to gB genotypes. Two mAbs facilitated phagocytosis with binding specificities of Domain II and AD2. This investigation provides novel understanding on the relationship between gB domain specificity and antigenic variability on gB-specific antibody effector functions.
Document Type: text
Language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2020.07.009
Accession Number: edsbas.DEAD57E7
Database: BASE
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