Academic Journal

Quantum category O vs affine Hecke category

Bibliographic Details
Title: Quantum category O vs affine Hecke category
Authors: Losev, Ivan
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: (Cornell University Library)
Subject Terms: Mathematics - Representation Theory, 20G42
Description: The goal of this paper is to relate the quantum category $\mathcal{O}$ (known also as the category of modules over the mixed quantum group) at an odd root of unity to the affine Hecke category. Namely, we prove equivalences of highest weight categories between integral blocks of the affine category $\mathcal{O}$ and the heart of the so called ``new'' t-structure on the affine Hecke category. In order to do this we deform our categories over the formal neighborhood of $0$ in the dual affine Cartan and show that the categories of standardly filtered objects in the deformations are equivalent. For this, we construct functors from the deformed categories to the category of bimodules over the formal power series on the affine Cartan. Then we use what we call the Rouquier-Soergel theory, also developed in this paper, to show that on the categories of standardly filtered objects, these functors are full embeddings with the same image. ; Comment: 63 pages
Document Type: text
Language: unknown
Accession Number: edsbas.D56A5187
Database: BASE
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