Academic Journal

Spiking Graph Convolutional Networks

Bibliographic Details
Title: Spiking Graph Convolutional Networks
Authors: Zhu, Zulun, Peng, Jiaying, Li, Jintang, Chen, Liang, Yu, Qi, Luo, Siqiang
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: (Cornell University Library)
Subject Terms: Computer Science - Machine Learning, Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Description: Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) achieve an impressive performance due to the remarkable representation ability in learning the graph information. However, GCNs, when implemented on a deep network, require expensive computation power, making them difficult to be deployed on battery-powered devices. In contrast, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which perform a bio-fidelity inference process, offer an energy-efficient neural architecture. In this work, we propose SpikingGCN, an end-to-end framework that aims to integrate the embedding of GCNs with the biofidelity characteristics of SNNs. The original graph data are encoded into spike trains based on the incorporation of graph convolution. We further model biological information processing by utilizing a fully connected layer combined with neuron nodes. In a wide range of scenarios (e.g. citation networks, image graph classification, and recommender systems), our experimental results show that the proposed method could gain competitive performance against state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, we show that SpikingGCN on a neuromorphic chip can bring a clear advantage of energy efficiency into graph data analysis, which demonstrates its great potential to construct environment-friendly machine learning models. ; Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 2022; Code available at
Document Type: text
Language: unknown
Accession Number: edsbas.CCF2E6F0
Database: BASE
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