Academic Journal


Bibliographic Details
Title: Co-authors
Authors: Maryline Laurent, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Christophe Delahaye, Herbert Leitold, Reinhard Posch, Enrique Areizaga, Juàn Manuel Mateos
Contributors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Superior Title:
Collection: CiteSeerX
Subject Terms: B-ISDN, ATM, ATM security, security services, SCAN, Secure Communications in ATM Networks
Description: The ATM Forum international consortium recently approved the first version of its security specifications aiming to protect communications over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks by offering data confidentiality, partners authentication, etc. This paper describes the architecture of one of the first ATM Forum compliant security prototypes being currently developed in the European project SCAN (Secure Communications in ATM Networks). Additionally to the security management functions specified by the ATM Forum to exchange encryption keys and negotiate security services, SCAN implements the possibility for end-users to modify the data flow encryption algorithm during a connection in progress, and the possibility to keep the encryption algorithm choice confidential. Moreover a flexible implementation is offered allowing future users to develop their own security protocols and their own ATM security monitoring applications.
Document Type: text
File Description: application/pdf
Language: English
Rights: Metadata may be used without restrictions as long as the oai identifier remains attached to it.
Accession Number: edsbas.BA43F6BB
Database: BASE
Description not available.