Academic Journal

Electronic structure models for lead chalcogenide system

Bibliographic Details
Title: Electronic structure models for lead chalcogenide system
Authors: Hamodi, A, Mahmood, Natheer B, Hamodi, Y I, Saeed, Farqad R, Naji, K K
Superior Title: Physica Scripta ; volume 97, issue 3, page 034001 ; ISSN 0031-8949 1402-4896
Publisher Information: IOP Publishing
Publication Year: 2022
Description: Pb 1 -x Sn x Te is a topological crystalline insulator system with an even number of band Dirac cone at 001,110 and 111 orientations, which represent a trivial system under Kane Mele classification. However, in the past few years, the topological surface states feature in Pb 1 -x Sn x Te that protected by mirror symmetry drew attention. In contrast to Kane Mele’s topological material that protects by time-reversal symmetry. Pb 1 -x Sn x Te system has a crystal structure phase transition that can drive the topological features of the system. A systematic study on the energy band gap versus temperature and composition shows an interesting regime at x = (0.3–0.7) and T = 70–130 K. (i.e. the topological crystalline insulator regime, phase transition regime). In this paper, we focused on how the following parameters (energy bandgap, temperature T, composition x ) connect by three stander models.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: unknown
DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ac4dd0
DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ac4dd0/pdf
Rights: ;
Accession Number: edsbas.B609C0D9
Database: BASE
Description not available.