Academic Journal

“…not as history, but…”

Bibliographic Details
Title: “…not as history, but…”
Authors: Freeman, Elizabeth
Publisher Information: Instituto de Estudos Medievais - FCSH-UNL
Medievalista online
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: OpenEdition
Subject Terms: Aelred of Rievaulx, Genre, Middle Ages Historiography, Historians – England – History – to 1500, Literary Criticism – Medieval Europe, Géneros literários, Historiografia medieval, Historiadores – Inglaterra – História – até 1500, Crítica Literária – Europa Medieval
Description: What is a historical text, and what are the differences between such a text and other written genres? This question has occupied modern scholars of medieval Europe, medieval European authors themselves, and many others. Prompted by recent scholarship into the benefits, or otherwise, of trying to isolate distinct genres within what one scholar has referred to as “the whole mass of medieval historiography”, this article examines the so-called “historical” texts composed by the medieval English Cistercian abbot Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167). None of these seven texts fits into the classic genre of the history, and yet the article argues that all are indeed historiographical texts. Aelred wrote all these works while he was abbot of Rievaulx Abbey in Yorkshire, and the article suggests that Aelred’s experiences and responsibilities as abbot gave him both the skills to combine many literary genres – vita, genealogy, lament, relatio, translatio, exemplum, sermon, letter – when writing about the past as well as the desire to combine such genres so as to provide his readers with models of hope, and occasionally stern advice, from the past to use in the future. ; O que é um texto historiográfico e o que é que o distingue dos outros géneros textuais? Estudiosos atuais da Europa medieval, os próprios autores europeus medievais e muitos outros têm-se ocupado desta questão. Incentivado por estudos recentes sobre os benefícios, ou não, de tentar isolar géneros distintos no quadro do que um académico designou como “toda o conjunto da historiografia medieval”, este artigo examina os chamados textos “históricos” compostos pelo abade cisterciense inglês medieval Aelred de Rievaulx (1110-1167). Nenhum dos seus sete textos se enquadra no género clássico da História, mas o artigo argumenta que todos são, de facto, textos historiográficos. Aelred escreveu todas estas obras enquanto era abade da Abadia de Rievaulx, no Yorkshire, e o artigo sugere que as suas experiências e responsabilidades como abade lhe conferiram capacidades para ...
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/reference/issn/1646-740X; urn:doi:10.4000/medievalista.6974;
Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Accession Number: edsbas.AD8B8DCC
Database: BASE
Description not available.