Academic Journal

The police reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: the way to move forward into the EU

Bibliographic Details
Title: The police reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: the way to move forward into the EU
Authors: Eralp, Doğa Ulaş
Contributors: Malleswari, V. B.
Publisher Information: ICFAI University Press
Publication Year: 2009
Collection: Sabanci University Research Database / Sabancı Üniversitesi İstanbul
Subject Terms: JF Political institutions and public administration (General)
Document Type: text
Language: English
ISBN: 978-81-314-1362-3
Relation: Eralp, Doğa Ulaş (2009) The police reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: the way to move forward into the EU. In: Malleswari, V. B., (ed.) Police Reforms: Global Perspectives. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad India. ISBN 9788131413623
Accession Number: edsbas.ACE34FF5
Database: BASE
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