Academic Journal

Minimal Feedback Vertex Sets in Honeycomb Networks

Bibliographic Details
Title: Minimal Feedback Vertex Sets in Honeycomb Networks
Authors: Su, Xueli, Ren, Haizhen
Superior Title: DEStech Transactions on Materials Science and Engineering; 2020 International Conference on Advanced Materials, Electronical and Mechanical Engineering (AMEME 2020) ; 2572-889X
Publisher Information: DEStech Publications, Inc.
Publication Year: 2021
Collection: DPI Journals (Destech Publications)
Description: A vertex subset of a graph G is called a feedback vertex set if its removal results in an acyclic subgraph. The feedback vertex numberï´ (G) is the cardinality of the minimum feedback vertex set of G , which is an important parameter of interconnection network topology. In this paper, we determine the feedback numbers of Honeycomb mesh n HM and Honeycomb torus n HT , i.e. 2 ( ) 9 / 2 15n/2 4 n ï´ HM  n   and 2 ( ) 9 / 2 9 / 2 2 n ï´ HT  n  n  . Comparing these results with those of Zhou, we find thatï´ (H) is related to the boundary of Honeycomb network H .
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: unknown
DOI: 10.12783/dtmse/ameme2020/35567
Rights: Copyright (c) 2021 DEStech Transactions on Materials Science and Engineering
Accession Number: edsbas.966F34AA
Database: BASE
Description not available.