Academic Journal

The investigation of a classical particle in the presence of fractional calculus

Bibliographic Details
Title: The investigation of a classical particle in the presence of fractional calculus
Authors: Chung,Won Sang, Zare,S., Hassanabadi,H., Kříž,J., Maghsoodi,E.
Superior Title: Revista mexicana de física v.66 n.6 2020
Publisher Information: Sociedad Mexicana de Física
Publication Year: 2020
Subject Terms: Fractional calculus, fractional classical mechanics, Riemann-Louville fractional derivative
Description: In this article, by applying a preliminary and comprehensive definition of the fractional calculus, its effect on different aspects of physics is specified, as in the case of Laplace transforms, Riemann-Liouville, and Caputo derivatives. Applications of the fractional calculus in studying the dynamics of particle motion in classical mechanics are investigated analytically. Furthermore, we compare our results with those obtained from the usual methods and we show that both solutions coincide provided the fractional effects are removed.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
File Description: text/html
Language: English
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Accession Number: edsbas.90116E9
Database: BASE
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