Academic Journal

Exploring the Effects of Satisfaction on Unethical Behaviour Intentions: An Extension of Jones and Kavanagh (1996) ...

Bibliographic Details
Title: Exploring the Effects of Satisfaction on Unethical Behaviour Intentions: An Extension of Jones and Kavanagh (1996) ...
Authors: Evans, Thomas Rhys
Publisher Information: OSF Registries
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: DataCite Metadata Store (German National Library of Science and Technology)
Subject Terms: Business, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Personality and Social Contexts, Human Resources Management, Quantitative Psychology, Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics Business, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, FOS Psychology, Extension, IO Psych, Replication, Unethical workplace behaviour, appreciation, corruption, job satisfaction, occupational psychology, salary, unethical workplace behavior, work environment, work experience, work satisfaction
Description: The current study represents an extension of Jones and Kavanagh’s (1996) vignette study, exploring the effect of situational and personal factors on unethical work behaviour. Adding to this prior study and it's recent direct and conceptual replication (Evans et al., 2024), this study focuses on the different types of work experience/satisfaction indicators, differentiating between work environment, salary, appreciation and general perceptions of satisfaction. Participants will be randomly allocated to different vignettes upon which these factors vary, before being assessed on their intent to behave unethically. The current study will therefore provide the basis for a more rigorous understanding of the role of satisfaction, and it's many constituent components, in predicting intentions to behave unethically at work. ...
Document Type: text
Language: unknown
DOI: 10.17605/
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International ; ; cc-by-sa-4.0
Accession Number: edsbas.7C261945
Database: BASE
Description not available.