Academic Journal

Psychoactive substance use among students: a cross-sectional analysis

Bibliographic Details
Title: Psychoactive substance use among students: a cross-sectional analysis
Authors: PERINO, Justine, DAUBECH-TOURNIER, Marie, MATHIEU, Clement, LETINIER, Louis, PEYRE, Alexandre, PERRET, Garance, PEIRERA, Edwige, FOURRIER-REGLAT, Annie, POLLET, Clothilde, FATSEAS, Melina, TZOURIO, Christophe, DAVELUY, Amelie
Publication Year: 2022
Subject Terms: Alcohol-related disorders, Substance-related disorders, Tobacco-related disorders, Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologie
Description: BACKGROUND: Little is known about psychoactive substance use in students, apart from tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis. OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the prevalence of substance use and overlap between various psychoactive substances in students. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 10,066 students included in the i-Share cohort between 2015 January 1(st) and 2017 December 31(st) . The baseline questionnaire was the key source of information. Psychoactive substances of interest (PSI) were cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, nitrous oxide, poppers and MDMA. Their patterns of use were categorized as lifetime, past year and current use. Use of other psychoactive substances including alcohol and tobacco was described in PSI users and non-users. RESULTS: Most participants were female (75%) and their average age was 21 years. Lifetime use of at least one PSI was reported by 65.5% of participants. Cannabis was the most frequently used substance both over lifetime (57% of students) and past year (35%), followed by poppers and nitrous oxide (28% and 26% of students over lifetime, respectively). Among polydrug users (n=1242), 65% used only nitrous oxide and poppers, showing a strong link between these two substances. Regular alcohol use, binge drinking and current tobacco use were higher in PSI users than in non-users. CONCLUSION: Substance use was higher than previously found in both French and European studies in young people. Nitrous oxide use was particularly high. Regular alcohol use, binge drinking and tobacco use could be used as markers to identify students at-risk of PSI use to be targeted by prevention programmes. ; Etude de cohorte sur la santé des étudiants ; Initiative d'excellence de l'Université de Bordeaux
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
ISSN: 0767-3981
DOI: 10.1111/fcp.12771
Rights: open ; Pas de Licence CC
Accession Number: edsbas.746379EF
Database: BASE
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