Dissertation/ Thesis

Egzotične opcije ; Exotic Options

Bibliographic Details
Title: Egzotične opcije ; Exotic Options
Authors: Keglević, Nera
Contributors: Šuvak, Nenad
Publisher Information: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Odjel za matematiku. Zavod za teorijsku matematiku. Katedra za teoriju vjerojatnosti i matematičku statistiku.
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Department of Mathematics. Chair of Pure Mathematics. Probability and Mathematical Statistics Research Group.
Publication Year: 2019
Collection: Repository of the University of Osijek
Subject Terms: Brownovo gibanje, geometrijsko Brownovo gibanje, Black-Scholes formula, Monte Carlo metoda, europska opcija, azijska opcija, barrier opcija, lookback opcija, Brownian motion, geometric Brownian motion, Monte Carlo method, European option, Asian option, barrier option, lookback option, PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Matematika. Teorija vjerojatnosti i statistika, NATURAL SCIENCES. Mathematics. Probability Theory and Statistics
Description: Na početku rada predstavljen je model Brownovog gibanja. Za početak, objašnjena je konstrukcija i sama definicija Brownovog gibanja i osnovna svojstva. Nadalje, opisan je model geometrijskog Brownovog gibanja koji je prikladniji za modeliranje cijena dionica. Pokazano je na koji se način mogu simulirati Brownovo gibanje i geometrijsko Brownovo gibanje. Osim toga, predstavljena je Black-Scholes formula za europsku call i put opciju. U drugom su poglavlju navedena svojstva očekivanja i varijance Monte Carlo procjenitelja te kako koristiti Monte Carlo metode prilikom vrednovanja egzotičnih opcija. U trećem su poglavlju objašnjene redom azijska, barrier i lookback opcija te su istaknuta najvažnija svojstva svake pojedine opcije. Naposljetku, simulirane su cijene dionica i promatrani odnosi izmedu cijena europskih call i put opcija i pripadajućih call i put egzotičnih opcija ; At, its beginning this graduate thesis introduces Brownian motion model. The construction and the definition of Brownian motion are described. Basic properties of Brownian motion are also shown. Furthermore, geometric Brownian motion model is described since it is more suitable for modelling stock prices. Simulations of Brownian and geometric Brownian motion model are demonstrated. Additionally, Black-Scholes formula for European call and put options is introduced. In the second part of paper, expectation and variance of Monte Carlo estimator are formulated and proven, also the benefit of Monte Carlo methods while pricing exotic options is shown. In third part of paper, Asian, barrier and lookback options are explained, furthermore their most important properties are mentioned. Finally, stock prices are simulated, relations between prices of European call and put options and belonging call and put exotic options are observed.
Document Type: master thesis
File Description: application/pdf
Language: Croatian
Relation: https://repozitorij.unios.hr/islandora/object/mathos:280; https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:126:044599; https://repozitorij.unios.hr/islandora/object/mathos:280/datastream/PDF
Availability: https://repozitorij.unios.hr/islandora/object/mathos:280
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/ ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Accession Number: edsbas.743A288E
Database: BASE
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