Academic Journal

Distributionally robust reinsurance with expectile

Bibliographic Details
Title: Distributionally robust reinsurance with expectile
Authors: Xie, Xinqiao, Liu, Haiyan, Mao, Tiantian, Zhu, Xiao Bai
Superior Title: ASTIN Bulletin ; volume 53, issue 1, page 129-148 ; ISSN 0515-0361 1783-1350
Publisher Information: Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Publication Year: 2023
Description: We study a distributionally robust reinsurance problem with the risk measure being an expectile and under expected value premium principle. The mean and variance of the ground-up loss are known, but the loss distribution is otherwise unspecified. A minimax problem is formulated with its inner problem being a maximization problem over all distributions with known mean and variance. We show that the inner problem is equivalent to maximizing the problem over three-point distributions, reducing the infinite-dimensional optimization problem to a finite-dimensional optimization problem. The finite-dimensional optimization problem can be solved numerically. Numerical examples are given to study the impacts of the parameters involved.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
DOI: 10.1017/asb.2022.28
Accession Number: edsbas.7040906B
Database: BASE
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