The COVID-19 and the changes in Latin American and European integration ; La COVID-19 y los cambios en la integración latinoamericana y europea

Bibliographic Details
Title: The COVID-19 and the changes in Latin American and European integration ; La COVID-19 y los cambios en la integración latinoamericana y europea
Authors: Vieira Posada, Edgar, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Peña, Félix, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Chaves García, Carlos Alberto, Universidad Santo Tomás, Flórez de Andrade, Angelo, Silva Gómez, Laura Juliana, Bartesaghi, Ignacio, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Pasquariello Mariano, Karina Lilia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Morais Maximiano, Gustavo Henrique, Fernández Saca, Juan Carlos, Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado, Molina del Pozo, Carlos F., Universidad de Alcalá, Jiménez Carrero, Jorge A., García Pinzón, Viviana, German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Nolte, Detlef, Carvalho Neves, Bárbara, Red de Investigación en Política Exterior y Regionalismo, Borges Junqueira, Cairo Gabriel, Universidad Federal del Sergipe, Neto Ribeiro, Clarissa Correa
Superior Title: Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Publisher Information: Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Publication Year: 2022
Description: The covid-19 pandemic has led to a moment of reflection for the integration processes of Latin America, which have been overwhelmed by its impact and consequences in the absence of appropriate multilateral, collaborative and consensual responses, preferring to act individually with the prevalence of national sovereignties over a performance of shared sovereignties. This is showing that one of the greatest shortcomings and weaknesses of Latin American integration is found in the institutional sphere, to which is added the lack of leadership; so necessary in circumstances such as these. Latin America has not acted in a collaborative way, despite having so many elements of shared identity, which has reduced the possibility of making better use of international aid. This is evident, when compared with the advances in other continents or countries, like the observed multilateral reaction of the European Union and even greater coordination in the African, which allowed them to take better advantage of the cooperation actions proposed, for example, by China. Although at the beginning there was some delay in the direction of the European Union, finally a package of economic measures of great magnitude was approved that will allow many of its members to more effectively avoid the negative impacts of the pandemic. In terms of leadership, the Franco-German axis and the behavior of a federal state like Germany is also a source of positive lessons. In Latin America, only the Central American integration process has seen more collaborative action, while in processes such as Mercosur it is clear that there is a need to introduce profound reforms that clarify the course of the process and incorporate essential elements into this and other integration processes for the post-pandemic as joint, multilateral and solidarity efforts. ; La pandemia de COVID-19 ha significado un momento de reflexión para los procesos de integración de América Latina, desbordados por su impacto y las consecuencias que trajo la falta de respuestas ...
Document Type: book
File Description: Digital (DA)
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Accession Number: edsbas.6BF61055
Database: BASE
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