Academic Journal

Reversible Long-Term Integration With Variable Step Sizes

Bibliographic Details
Title: Reversible Long-Term Integration With Variable Step Sizes
Authors: Ernst Hairer, Daniel Stoffer
Contributors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Superior Title:
Publication Year: 1995
Collection: CiteSeerX
Description: The numerical integration of reversible dynamicalsystems is considered. A backward analysis for variable step size one-step methods is developed and it is shown that the numerical solution of a symmetric one-step method, implemented with a reversible step size strategy, is formally equal to the exact solution of a perturbed differential equation, which again is reversible. This explains geometrical properties of the numerical flow, such as the nearby preservation of invariants. In a second part, the efficiency of symmetric implicit Runge-Kutta methods (linear error growth when applied to integrable systems) is compared with explicit non-symmetric integrators (quadratic error growth). Key words. symmetric Runge-Kutta methods, extrapolation methods, long-term integration, Hamiltonian problems, reversible systems AMS subject classifications. 65L05, 34C35 1. Introduction. We consider the numerical treatment of systems (1.1) y 0 = f(y); y(0) = y0 ; where the evolution of dynamical .
Document Type: text
File Description: application/postscript
Language: English
Rights: Metadata may be used without restrictions as long as the oai identifier remains attached to it.
Accession Number: edsbas.6AD03E3E
Database: BASE
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