Academic Journal

Factors Influencing Labor Productivity in Modern Economies: A Review and Qualitative Text Analysis ; WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development

Bibliographic Details
Title: Factors Influencing Labor Productivity in Modern Economies: A Review and Qualitative Text Analysis ; WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Authors: Radło, Mariusz-Jan, Tomeczek, Artur F.
Contributors: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: Cyber Open Repository of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) / Cyfrowe Otwarte Repozytorium Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Subject Terms: labor productivity, factors of productivity, qualitative text analysis, network analysis, literature review, bibliometric analysis, czynniki produktywności, analiza tekstu, analiza sieciowa, przegląd literatury, analiza bibliometryczna, produktywność pracy
Description: We conduct a semi-systematic literature review and a qualitative text analysis of 141 publications on labor productivity. We have identified 12 factors that play a leading role in economic research of labor productivity: (i) agglomerations effect; (ii) business cycles and market selection; (iii) cross-country institutional differences; (iv) environmental aspects; (v) foreign direct investment (FDI); (vi) globalization and international trade; (vii) global value chains (GVC); (viii) human capital; (ix) information and communications technology (ICT); (x) labor allocation; (xi) R&D and innovation; (xii) regional differences. When it comes to the quotes count, the most prominent factor is (xi) R&D, followed by (vi) globalization and (viii) human capital. When it comes to the co-occurrence and c-coefficient, the most prominent factor is (viii) human capital, closely followed by (i) agglomerations, then either (xi) R&D or (vi) globalization. Network analysis reveals two communities, the bigger one centered around (i) agglomerations, and the smaller one centered around (vi) globalization. ; 291-314 ; 18
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
File Description: application/pdf
Language: English
ISSN: 1790-5079
Relation: Radło, M-J., Tomeczek A.F., Factors influencing labor productivity in modern economies: a review and qualitative text analysis, "WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development", 2022, vol. 18, s. 291-314;;;
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.30
Rights: Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe ;
Accession Number: edsbas.6833A4EF
Database: BASE
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