Academic Journal

The Reform of the European Fiscal Rules:In Search of Mechanisms Ensuring Sustainable Debt Levels

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Reform of the European Fiscal Rules:In Search of Mechanisms Ensuring Sustainable Debt Levels
Authors: De Haan, Jakob, Amtenbrink, Fabian
Superior Title: De Haan , J & Amtenbrink , F 2023 , ' The Reform of the European Fiscal Rules : In Search of Mechanisms Ensuring Sustainable Debt Levels ' , Economists' Voice , vol. 20 , no. 2 , pp. 169–178 .
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: University of Groningen research database
Subject Terms: debt restructuring, debt sustainability, economic governance, European Union, expenditure rule, stability and growth pact
Description: Central to the recent European Commission's proposals for the reform of the current fiscal rules is the introduction of national medium-term fiscal structural plans. The proposed emphasis on compliance with country-specific net expenditure trajectories aimed at government debt sustainability is to be welcomed. However, several details of this expenditure path are either not clear or run the risk of political manipulation. What is more, maintaining the one-size fits all 3 » % threshold for the budget balance undermines several of the acclaimed advantages of the proposed new governance system, including that it would be simpler and less pro-cyclical. Furthermore, enforcement under the proposed framework is also unlikely to be stronger than under the current framework. Last, but not least, the proposal does not discuss the need for an EU framework for debt restructuring.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
File Description: application/pdf
Language: English
DOI: 10.1515/ev-2023-0063
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Accession Number: edsbas.5D826A8A
Database: BASE
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