Academic Journal

Measuring Shocks to Central Bank Independence using Legal Rulings

Bibliographic Details
Title: Measuring Shocks to Central Bank Independence using Legal Rulings
Authors: Griller, Stefan, Huber, Florian, Pfarrhofer, Michael
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: (Cornell University Library)
Subject Terms: Economics - General Economics
Description: We investigate the consequences of legal rulings on the conduct of monetary policy. Several unconventional monetary policy measures of the European Central Bank have come under scrutiny before national courts and the European Court of Justice. These lawsuits have the potential to severely impact the scope and flexibility of central bank policies, and central bank independence in a wide sense, with important consequences for the real and financial economy. Since the number of relevant legal challenges is small, we develop an econometric approach that searches for minimum variance regimes which we use to isolate and measure the effects of these events. Our results suggest that legal rulings addressing central bank policies have a powerful effect on financial markets. Expansionary shocks ease financial conditions along various dimensions, and inflation swap reactions suggest inflationary pressures with stronger effects in the short term. ; Comment: JEL: E43, E44, E58, K00; keywords: local projection, euro area, financial markets, mixture model, factor model, identification through heteroskedasticity
Document Type: text
Language: unknown
Accession Number: edsbas.5C61E61A
Database: BASE
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