Academic Journal

Combining behavioural types with security analysis

Bibliographic Details
Title: Combining behavioural types with security analysis
Authors: Massimo Bartoletti, Castellani Ilaria, Pierre Malo Denielou, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Peter Thiemann, Bernardo Toninho, Vieira Hugo Torres, DEZANI, Mariangiola
Contributors: Massimo Bartoletti, Castellani Ilaria, Pierre-Malo Denielou, Dezani Mariangiola, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Peter Thiemann, Bernardo Toninho, Vieira Hugo Torres
Publication Year: 2015
Collection: Università degli studi di Torino: AperTo (Archivio Istituzionale ad Accesso Aperto)
Description: Today's software systems are highly distributed and interconnected, and they increasingly rely on communication to achieve their goals; due to their societal importance, security and trustworthiness are crucial aspects for the correctness of these systems. Behavioural types, which extend data types by describing also the structured behaviour of programs, are a widely studied approach to the enforcement of correctness properties in communicating systems. This paper offers a unified overview of proposals based on behavioural types which are aimed at the analysis of security properties.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000365453100004; volume:84; firstpage:763; lastpage:780; numberofpages:18; journal:THE JOURNAL OF LOGICAL AND ALGEBRAIC METHODS IN PROGRAMMING;; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-84997755144;
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlamp.2015.09.003
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Accession Number: edsbas.5A2DCF41
Database: BASE
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