Academic Journal

Projection of Impaired Life Expectancy in Individuals in the United Kingdom Using Mortality Ratios.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Projection of Impaired Life Expectancy in Individuals in the United Kingdom Using Mortality Ratios.
Authors: Jones, David Bowen, Gray, Nicole R, Reid, Madeleine, Scott, William F
Superior Title: pissn: 0743-6661
Publication Year: 2020
Collection: University of Chester: Chester Digital Repository
Subject Terms: life tables, cohort life expectancy, mortality, Ogden Tables
Description: From PubMed via Jisc Publications Router ; History: received 2020-07-30, accepted 2020-10-30 ; Publication status: aheadofprint ; Projections of life expectancy are widely used in medicine, actuarial practice, and in the medicolegal and insurance fields. For individuals considered to have average future survival, nationally-derived life expectancy tables are available, referred to as the Ogden Tables. In the United Kingdom, updated tables (the 8th edition) were published in July 2020. We have calculated impaired projected life expectancies for the United Kingdom based on age and gender, derived from the 8th edition of the Ogden Tables together with various assumed lifelong mortality ratios. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2021 Journal of Insurance Medicine.]
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
Relation: pubmed: 34339516; pii: 468794; Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.);
DOI: 10.17849/insm-49-02-02
Accession Number: edsbas.3EF47A30
Database: BASE
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