Academic Journal

Artificial intelligence, Digital Single Market and the proposal of a right to fair and reasonable inferences: a legal issue between ethics and techniques

Bibliographic Details
Title: Artificial intelligence, Digital Single Market and the proposal of a right to fair and reasonable inferences: a legal issue between ethics and techniques
Authors: Veronese, Alexandre, Silveira, Alessandra, Espiñeira Lemos, Amanda Nunes Lopes
Superior Title: UNIO – EU Law Journal; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019); 75-91 ; UNIO – EU Law Journal; Vol. 5 N.º 2 (2019); 75-91 ; 2183-3435
Publisher Information: UMinho Editora
Publication Year: 2019
Subject Terms: Digital Single Market, General Data Protection Regulation, artificial intelligence, ethics
Description: The article discusses the ethical and technical consequences of Artificial intelligence (hereinafter, A.I) applications and their usage of the European Union data protection legal framework to enable citizens to defend themselves against them. This goal is under the larger European Union Digital Single Market policy, which has concerns about how this subject correlates with personal data protection. The article has four sections. The first one introduces the main issue by describing the importance of AI applications in the contemporary world scenario. The second one describes some fundamental concepts about AI. The third section has an analysis of the ongoing policies for AI in the European Union and the Council of Europe proposal about ethics applicable to AI in the judicial systems. The fourth section is the conclusion, which debates the current legal mechanisms for citizens protection against fully automated decisions, based on European Union Law and in particular the General Data Protection Regulation. The conclusion will be that European Union Law is still under construction when it comes to providing effective protection to its citizens against automated inferences that are unfair or unreasonable.
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
File Description: application/pdf
Language: English
DOI: 10.21814/unio.5.2.2294
Accession Number: edsbas.3AB6AB33
Database: BASE
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