Academic Journal

Treewidth is NP-Complete on Cubic Graphs (and related results)

Bibliographic Details
Title: Treewidth is NP-Complete on Cubic Graphs (and related results)
Authors: Bodlaender, Hans L., Bonnet, Édouard, Jaffke, Lars, Knop, Dušan, Lima, Paloma T., Milanič, Martin, Ordyniak, Sebastian, Pandey, Sukanya, Suchý, Ondřej
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: (Cornell University Library)
Subject Terms: Computer Science - Computational Complexity, Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms, Mathematics - Combinatorics
Description: In this paper, we give a very simple proof that Treewidth is NP-complete; this proof also shows NP-completeness on the class of co-bipartite graphs. We then improve the result by Bodlaender and Thilikos from 1997 that Treewidth is NP-complete on graphs with maximum degree at most 9, by showing that Treewidth is NP-complete on cubic graphs.
Document Type: text
Language: unknown
Accession Number: edsbas.29F4706E
Database: BASE
Description not available.