Academic Journal

Consistent orientation of moduli spaces

Bibliographic Details
Title: Consistent orientation of moduli spaces
Authors: Daniel S. Freed, Michael J. Hopkins, Constantin Teleman, For Nigel
Contributors: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
Superior Title:
Publication Year: 2007
Collection: CiteSeerX
Description: We give an a priori construction of the two-dimensional reduction of three-dimensional quantum Chern-Simons theory. This reduction is a two-dimensional topological quantum field theory and so determines to a Frobenius ring, which here is the twisted equivariant K-theory of a compact Lie group. We construct the theory via correspondence diagrams of moduli spaces, which we “linearize ” using complex K-theory. A key point in the construction is to consistently orient these moduli spaces to define pushforwards; the consistent orientation induces twistings of complex K-theory. The Madsen-Tillmann spectra play a crucial role. In a series of papers [FHT1, FHT2, FHT3] we develop the relationship between positive energy representations of the loop group of a compact Lie group G and the twisted equivariant τ+dim G K-theory KG (G). Here G acts on itself by conjugation. The loop group representations depend on a choice of “level”, and the twisting τ is derived from the level. For all levels the main theorem is an isomorphism of abelian groups, and for special transgressed levels it is an isomor-τ+dim G
Document Type: text
File Description: application/pdf
Language: English
Rights: Metadata may be used without restrictions as long as the oai identifier remains attached to it.
Accession Number: edsbas.24D6FC9E
Database: BASE
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