Academic Journal

Demonstration of wireless synchronisation methods in autonomously controlled fleet of drones

Bibliographic Details
Title: Demonstration of wireless synchronisation methods in autonomously controlled fleet of drones
Authors: Lai, Christopher, Song, Harris, Madrigal, Aaron, Youssef, Michael, Lieng, Borick, Hamida, Mohamed, Tran, Quyen, Ngo, Phu, Chang, Bethany, Dobbs, Steven, Yu, Zhen
Superior Title: International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation ; volume 11, issue 1, page 1-10 ; ISSN 1744-2869 1744-2850
Publisher Information: Inderscience Publishers
Publication Year: 2024
Subject Terms: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks and Communications, Management Information Systems, Software
Document Type: article in journal/newspaper
Language: English
DOI: 10.1504/ijmndi.2024.136443
DOI: 10.1504/IJMNDI.2024.136443
Accession Number: edsbas.20DEBA4A
Database: BASE
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