Academic Journal

The inheritance of BDE-property in sharply dominating lattice effect algebras and ( o)-continuous states.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The inheritance of BDE-property in sharply dominating lattice effect algebras and ( o)-continuous states.
Authors: Paseka, Jan, Riečanová, Zdenka
Superior Title: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies & Applications; Mar2011, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p543-555, 13p
Subject Terms: ALGEBRA, LATTICE theory, CHEMICAL elements, DECOMPOSITION method, MATHEMATICAL analysis
Abstract: We study remarkable sub-lattice effect algebras of Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras E, namely their blocks M, centers C( E), compatibility centers B( E) and sets of all sharp elements S( E) of E. We show that in every such effect algebra E, every atomic block M and the set S( E) are bifull sub-lattice effect algebras of E. Consequently, if E is moreover sharply dominating then every atomic block M is again sharply dominating and the basic decompositions of elements (BDE of x) in E and in M coincide. Thus in the compatibility center B( E) of E, nonzero elements are dominated by central elements and their basic decompositions coincide with those in all atomic blocks and in E. Some further details which may be helpful under answers about the existence and properties of states are shown. Namely, we prove the existence of an ( o)-continuous state on every sharply dominating Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra E with $$B(E)\not =C(E).$$ Moreover, for compactly generated Archimedean lattice effect algebras the equivalence of ( o)-continuity of states with their complete additivity is proved. Further, we prove 'State smearing theorem' for these lattice effect algebras. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Complementary Index
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