SECTION 2: Sources and Uses of Funding for Iraq Reconstruction.

Bibliographic Details
Title: SECTION 2: Sources and Uses of Funding for Iraq Reconstruction.
Superior Title: SIGIR Quarterly Report to Congress; 7/30/2007, p19-139, 113p, 8 Color Photographs, 1 Diagram, 20 Charts, 73 Graphs, 13 Maps
Abstract: The article presents the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) reports which provides an overview of the sources of funding used for Iraq relief and reconstruction. The reconstruction effort is funded by the U.S. appropriations, Iraqi funds, and international donor support. Also given are information about sources of U.S. appropriated funding, a historical perspective of relief and reconstruction accounts, operating expenses, and obligated and expended funding activities.
Database: Complementary Index
Description not available.