Academic Journal

Thurston compactifications of spaces of stability conditions on curves.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Thurston compactifications of spaces of stability conditions on curves.
Authors: Kikuta, Kohei, Koseki, Naoki, Ouchi, Genki
Superior Title: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; Apr2024, Vol. 377 Issue 4, p2897-2923, 27p
Subject Terms: MIRROR symmetry, ELLIPTIC curves, COMPACTIFICATION (Mathematics), TORUS
Abstract: In this paper, we construct a compactification of the space of Bridgeland stability conditions on a smooth projective curve, as an analogue of Thurston compactifications in Teichmüller theory. In the case of elliptic curves, we compare our results with the classical one of the torus via homological mirror symmetry and give the Nielsen–Thurston classification of autoequivalences using the compactification. Furthermore, we observe an interesting phenomenon in the case of the projective line. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Complementary Index
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