Academic Journal

The Longest Path Problem in Odd-Sized O-Shaped Grid Graphs.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Longest Path Problem in Odd-Sized O-Shaped Grid Graphs.
Authors: Keshavarz-Kohjerdi, Fatemeh, Bagheri, Alireza
Superior Title: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science; Apr2024, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p353-374, 22p
Subject Terms: NP-hard problems, GRAPH theory, PATHS & cycles in graph theory
Abstract: One of the well-known NP-hard optimization problems in graph theory is finding the longest path in a graph. This problem remains NP-hard for general grid graphs, and its complexity is open for grid graphs that have a limited number of holes. In this paper, we study this problem for odd-sized O -shaped grid graphs, i.e. a rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole. We show that this problem can be solved in linear time. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Complementary Index
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