Academic Journal

Calculating high-pressure vibrational frequencies analytically with the extended hydrostatic compression force field approach.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Calculating high-pressure vibrational frequencies analytically with the extended hydrostatic compression force field approach.
Authors: Weiß, Rahel, Zeller, Felix, Neudecker, Tim
Superior Title: Journal of Chemical Physics; 2/28/2024, Vol. 160 Issue 8, p1-8, 8p
Subject Terms: POTENTIAL energy surfaces, FINITE differences, GEOMETRIC analysis, BUCKMINSTERFULLERENE
Abstract: We report the implementation of the analytical Hessian for the mechanochemical extended hydrostatic compression force field method in the Q-Chem program package. To verify the implementation, the analytical Hessian was compared with finite difference calculations. In addition, we calculated the pressure dependency of the Raman active vibrational modes of methane, ethane, and hydrogen, as well as all IR and Raman active modes of Buckminsterfullerene, and compared the results with experimental and theoretical data. Our implementation paves the way for the analysis of geometric points on a pressure-deformed potential energy surface and provides a straightforward model to calculate the vibrational properties of molecules under high pressure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Complementary Index
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