
Computers and Urban Society.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Computers and Urban Society.
Authors: Sturman, Gerald M.1
Superior Title: Communications of the ACM. Jul1972, Vol. 15 Issue 7, p652-657. 6p. 1 Diagram.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER programmers, *SYSTEM analysis, *SYSTEMS design, *HUMAN-machine systems, URBAN sociology, COMPUTERS & civilization, URBAN life, URBANIZATION, COMPUTER users
Abstract: This brief survey of the use of computers in urban society covers the broad range of activities found in any city. The future scope of applications is limited only by the Imagination and inventiveness of future system designers, programmers, analysts, and decision makers. The computer can be, if properly used, with respect for human dignity and civil liberty, a significant factor in improving the efficiency of the urban process. It is expected that the benefits of such computer usage will outweigh the costs and that we may look forward to an expansion of such usage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Business Source Premier
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