Academic Journal

Genetic testing and actuarial science.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Genetic testing and actuarial science.
Authors: Macdonald, Angus S.1,2 (AUTHOR)
Superior Title: Annals of Actuarial Science. Mar2024, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p1-4. 4p.
Subject Terms: *CRITICAL illness insurance, *LIFE insurance, GENETIC testing, ACTUARIAL science, PREDICTIVE tests, GENETIC counseling, MENDEL'S law
Abstract: The article discusses the intersection of genetic testing and actuarial science in the context of life insurance. It highlights the complexities of genetic information, emphasizing that genetic variation is not limited to single-gene disorders like Huntington's disease. The article explores the potential for adverse selection in insurance and the need for actuaries to rely on medical studies to make underwriting decisions. It also examines the regulatory responses to genetic information in different countries. The author concludes that while genetic testing has not yet fully integrated into mainstream medicine, there is still a role for actuaries in understanding and navigating the implications of genetic information in insurance. [Extracted from the article]
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Database: Business Source Premier
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