Academic Journal

Phase transitions in a power-law uniform hypergraph.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Phase transitions in a power-law uniform hypergraph.
Authors: Yuan, Mingao1 (AUTHOR)
Superior Title: Communications in Statistics: Theory & Methods. 2024, Vol. 53 Issue 4, p1257-1276. 20p.
Subject Terms: *PROBABILITY theory, HYPERGRAPHS, PHASE transitions, EXPONENTS
Abstract: We propose a power-law m-uniform random hypergraph on n vertices. In this hypergraph, each vertex is independently assigned a random weight from a power-law distribution with exponent α ∈ (0 , ∞). The hyperedge probabilities are defined as functions of the random weights. We characterize the number of hyperedges and the number of loose 2-cycles. There is a phase transition phenomenon for the number of hyperedges at α = 1. Interestingly, for the number of loose 2-cycles, phase transitions occur at both α = 1 and α = 2. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Business Source Premier
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